My life as a brand: Batmom goes to Chippendales

I’m still shaking as type this bevahe I can’t believe the week I’m having. This weeks marks 4 months since I decided to pursue a career as a lifestyle blogger. I’ve documented the journey for months and here it is 4 months in. I started this week with the mindset I was going to have the best week ever

It was like universe heard m🙌🏾 I had spent the last couple weeks studying video in attempts to improve my email pitching to brands.

I started watching a lot of video by Mattie James (Mattie James Video) I corrected what I was doing wrong and decided to to reach out to Chippendales…Not just out of nowhere I built a relationship on twitter

They retweeted a tweet of mine.. that lit a fire in me. When I started living my life as brand I naively thought I didn’t need twitter so for two months I didn’t even have a Twitter but twitter has been the catalyst for my entire internet friendship with Perez (The power of Twitter and Perez Hilton)May 29th I sent a tweet that changed my entire blogging life. I outlined the journey here June Update #getperezontv2018 that post changed my life PEREZ HILTON POSTED IT ON HIS SITE

since that moment I’ve had so much gratitude for this man not only as my hero but just for the kind of person he is. This is something I earned. I wrote a blog post on The world famous Perez Hilton’s website. My blog post is on my hero’s website… That was pinnacle of life for me. Until this week. When Chippendales retweeted my tweet my brain was like “Do it.. just pitch… you’ve worked really hard, you’re building a platform you have a relationship with the host, this is your dream.. THE UNIVERSE IS LAYING YOUR DREAM ON A PLATTER GO FOR IT” so I did it I sent an email to Chippendales and pitched Chippendales.. I was so nervous. I checked my email and saw this

I have never cried so much in my life! I will be going to Chippendales to see Perez Hilton host

I have my first business trip thanks to Perez Hilton! I’m media… I have an email that says I’m media. I’ve learned a lot being Media first of all I’m privy to official press photos like this

I also have details and learned things about both brands that I didn’t know like Chippendales the brand is in its 39th year 😱 that’s a whole lot of shirt rippin’ and oil!

Perez Hilton’s residency begins Thursday July 26 2018- September 2nd 2018 830pm with additional shows Thursday, Friday and Saturday night at 10:30 pm you can purchase tickets here (Perez Chippendales ticket )

I will be attending the September 1st show at 830pm as MEDIA… I’m still kinda freaking about about this! I’m so excited this is an opportunity of a lifetime. I’m creating content for Chippendales

I’ve been studying entrepreneurs like Gary Vee and teaching my instagram audience growth tips. This month I was just focusing on spreading positivity, and applying the “$1.80 method”by Gary vee, my instagram for my blog is linked to My twitter and Gary Vee saw it

Gary Vee tweeted me this week, and a brand reached out to ME

THIS HAS BEEN The best week I’ve ever had as blogger/ brand/ Content Creator all because I put myself out there and pitched. I set aside time before my day job and do nothing but network and it’s really paid off! I still can’t believe this! I’m going to Las Vegas to blog about my hero! Dreams do come true.


    • Ooooh yeah all the photos and all the fun will be had! I have to bring an authentic view of my time in Las Vegas


  1. Congratulations! Can’t wait to read about your successes going forward. Keep aspiring for greatness and inspiring the rest of us!


  2. First off, CONGRATULATIONS!! Secondly thank you! I needed this. I have big dreams, however I’ve been allowing my circumstances pull me away. After all this packing and moving. I’m going to be working on learning more, Manifesting, and being a better me. Again CONGRATULATIONS!!!

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    • That’s the key! Just manifesting and focusing on being the best you that you can be and spreading love and positivity. You’ll accomplish whatever dreams you have! I believe in you!


  3. Yesssss!!! Congratulations… You really inspired me with this post! I have to seriously work on my pitch and put myself out there! I love this post! Once again congratssss!! I’m happy for you!! 💚💚💚😩

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    • I started just telling myself “what can the say? No ain’t never killed no one.. nothing to lose” so I just study all week and then try to pitch early morning before 7 to the CEO lol

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