What I’m manifesting in 2019

2018 was one of the best years of my life. I honestly have to say it’s due to manifestation and the laws of attraction.

I stumbled into manifestation thanks to YouTube and Leeora Alexander

Leeora Alexander is a YouTube star that creates spirituality content and focuses her teachings on the law of attraction and manifestation.

I was watching her video “Act as if”

When I decided I was going to implement her advice to motivate myself as an entrepreneur.

I became obsessed with her content and I started to do more manifestation exercises.

One exercise I found myself doing often was “scripting”

With scripting you are basically writing out in a journal you future desires in detail.

It’s like writing out your vision board essentially.

The video instructs you to write out your “dream day”‘in detail.

I begin to do this exercise and many other manifestation exercises.

Focusing all my energy on being positive, being of service, working toward my goal, keeping my vibrational frequency high.

I started to devour every piece of content I could find about the laws of attraction.

( for a more in depth post about my manifestation journey read “My Manifestation journey: 3 month update”)

I started to make vision boards.. all over the place.

I wanted to meet Perez Hilton.

That was my ULTIMATE goal. I journaled. I did manifestation exercises… slowly I began to see the universe shifting in my favor.

Perez posted my blog post on HIS PAGE.


In 2018 I manifested meeting Perez Hilton. And crossed that goal off of my vision board walls.. books. Once you manifest meeting your idol.. what’s next🤷🏾‍♀️

I mean that’s huge!

After that I manifested 4 figure deals. Whatever I wrote on my vision boards I would accomplish.

I’m a visual person. I tacked my goals on the wall. The more I see something the more I am motivated by it… if you look at the photo above I have goals for blogging tacked up.. and crossed out crossing off Perez’s name was insane. Crossing off 2k instagram followers was insane!

(For a step by step guide to growing your Instagram read my post Batsplaining Instagram: A quick guide to 1000 Instagram followers 🤗 it works every time I’m trying to grow I’m currently at over 2100!🙌🏾)

Next year I’m focusing on more long term and financially beneficial goals.

One of my mental mentors Claire Sulmers stated in an interview on the podcast “Side Hustle pro” that she in fact writes out her goals as well!

She also said the very same thing in her AMAZING BOOK “The Bomb Life” (which I reviewed right here Book Review: “The Bomb Life” By Claire Sulmers 🤗)

It seemed like the universe was telling me sit down and write somethings to manifest🙌🏾 here we go!

Here is what I’m manifesting for 2019

I did some scripting and listing over the past few days and decided to share with you a few plans and how I plan to achieve them.

Manifesting isn’t just whispering your wishes into the air and hoping they transpire.

You have to put action behind your wishes.

I am focusing all energy on

1. Having a best selling ebook on amazon

I’m currently self publishing my book.

I’m learning from several people who have done successfully self published their own books, and I’m studying The “Blogger to author” podcast, as well as YouTube diving till I’m blue in the face on the topic of self publishing.

I’ve contacted an editor.. (well an editor reached out to me🙌🏾) I’ve placed a realistic plan into place to launch my book in summer of 2019 so I’m ensuring this will be a best seller.

I’m not on putting it out into the universe that this book will be a best seller on amazon.. I’m putting my best work into this book. I’m taking my time.

I will meet Luvvie Ajayi and or Claire Sulmers

These women are the women I’m aspiring to be.

These women started out as bloggers just like me and after YEARS of hard work they are at the forefront of blogging, writing, podcasting and everything else. That’s where I’m trying to be.

I want to work until I’ve achieved enough success to worthy of being in a room with these women.

This may not happen in 2019. This is just a goal I need the universe to know about 🤣

There’s something so motivating about seeing successful women of color. I want to be that. I’m striving for that type of excellence.

3. I will be a brand ambassador for a brand with a household name

The thing about manifestation is you are not just blurting out a bunch of nonsense to the sky.

You have a goal that you are actively taking steps toward. If I want to be a brand ambassador. I need to focus my energy on creating content that the brand could possibly use in a campaign.

Foster a relationship with the brand you want to work with and pitch yourself to the brand you want to work with!

I’m going to be taking more time to really listen to Podcast, and take classes about pitching. The more you pitch the better you become.

4. My book will become a steady stream of income

The whole point of all of this is eventually be able to create from home. I want to be able to create and spend time with my family.

I want my book to make that a reality for me.

I see the book as so much more than just an ebook.

Even if I only see one copy of my book I’m going to be proud.

I know what has gone into it and what it’s potential is. I’m excited and hopeful this will be a nice little stream of income.

I know an ebook isn’t quit your job money but it’s a stream of income I’m looking forward to in the new year that I create myself and that excites me. The possibility excites me.

5. My family will travel more

I plan to use my little Toyota Camry till the wheels fall off. I love road trips!

I grew up seeing the u.s in a 93 Dodge Ram.. I want that for my kids. Traveling, seeing family, making memories. When I was young I didn’t appreciate it. I didn’t relish in the experiences.

Now that I’m a mom I want my children to experience that wonderful beauty. I want my kids to see this country on a gorgeous road trip like I did so many summers growing up.

I plan to see relatives in Northern California first then after the wedding I plan to meet online friends I’ve formed friendships with.

2019 will kick off Travel for my family.

6. I will be able to work from home by the end of 2019

That’s the dream… that’s why I’m doing this.. I have a great home and great family that don’t really get to hang out with because I work.. a lot.

I love what I do but I would love to be home making a living creatively.

I’ve seen this year that that is a possibility so my plan is to my energy into that until I make that reality. I’m going to do a lot freelance writing, I’m going to launch my book and land brand deals. Next year is going to be amazing! I’m claiming it now!

Do you practice manifestation? What are you thoughts on manifestation?

Chat me up in the comments 🤗 Thank you for reading having a wonderful day!


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