#TBT That one time I was almost banned from nursing school

Once upon a time I was in nursing school. While in nursing I met my twin Tina.

Tina made me laugh. The first day of week of so of nursing school she picked on me for sooo many things.. 1: I sound like a valley girl.. that’s just my voice. I sound like every girl in L.A… on helium😂🤣 so it was in love. I also hit Tina’s car 2 or 3 times on the parking lot.. I’m used to be a horrible driver.. I’m an EXCELLENT nurse though. Anyways Tina and I had this relationship we would just roast each other everyday about something, it was love though. Tina was my best friend in nursing school. We hung out, we studied, she my partner in crime.

When it came to picking out projects for the human body systems I knew I wanted to work with Tina. Tina was one of the smartest in the class. We all competed with each other for top scores on quizzes. I knew working with Tina would be fun I said “let’s do the male reproductive system.. I know a thing or two about the penis.. I have some ideas this could be fun.. just roll with it.”

She cracked up. We worked on the project and it was amazing !

Tina and I had penis props! That were accurately labeled. We went into great detail about the penis. We WENT IN on the peen! I printed up a quiz! I was throwing out penis whistles and necklaces.. it was going GREAT.. till the director of nursing walked in 😅

We were later informed we were not allowed to hand out penises or use 3 foot penis propaganda.

We got an a and a stern warning… honestly it was completely worth it🤣🤣 I was cleaning the house yesterday and found this photos and doubled over laughing.

I had a great time in nursing school. I went with my best friends sister

We competed for grades.. she won.. Meka is genius.. I didn’t stand a chance 🤣

The director of nursing is the photo his name is Mr Adnan.. I don’t remember his last name but I remember having to sit is his office and try to keep a straight face as I explained why I needed to use a 3 ft smiling penis in my project.

“I wanted to make everyone pay attention.. people will remember a 3ft smiling penis and where the urethra starts!”

He agreed my presentation was detailed.. but he will be telling the next classes they are not allowed to use 3ft penis visual aids.

I ruined it for everyone.. something I have to live with everyday 🤣🤣🍾

Happy Thursday y’all!


  1. Tina is my biological sister Reading this story had me laughing because I know how funny and silly my sister can be!! Sounds like you both needed each other to survive the peen… lmao thanks for sharing!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. AMAZING!!!! I go to a small Catholic nursing program and I almost got in trouble completing community learning service hours educating high school students about contraceptives! What a nightmare.. LOL


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