4 reasons new bloggers need Twitter

When I started blogging in March I did not have a Twitter. I didn’t understand Twitter, I HATED TWITTER! However after two months of studying and using the platform strictly for my blog I’m happy to report I hit 1k followers🙌🏾

I did not set out to grow my twitter following however in growing my twitter my views and traffic increases tremendously take a look

This is May. I joined Twitter in May…



I went from less than one 1k views a month to 5,737.. from 0 comments to 117 all from starting a twitter. Let’s dive a little deeper here’s 4 reasons you need twitter and few tips on how to make twitter work for you as a new blogger.

1: The Twitter blogging community is second to none.

When I started twitter I went immediately to the search bar and looked for “Mom bloggers” when I’m on a new platform I find my people. I’m a mom blogger I find other mom bloggers and see what they are up to. On twitter bloggers tend to pack up and support each other in blog follow trains

Go to the twitter search bar and type “Blog Follow train”

Pick one, Follow the rules and participate! That’s the key! When you join these follow trains take the time to read the blogs and really engage with the bloggers.

I spend about an hour a day just sharing and reading other peoples blogs. When you join the follow trains you’ll notice they have specific themes for each day. Some days there’s days you read and comment on others work. Those days are the most enriching. If you really engage and involve yourself the love on Twitter is reciprocated immediately.

I’ve been nominated for so many awards by my peers. It’s just heartwarming to wake up and see your notifications lit up from the same familiar names.

The reach of twitter only works if your work gets retweeted

The more your work is retweeted the more reach it has and the more it is seen. The more you participate, genuinely and actively in your community they more they will share your work. I’ve also noticed if you make extremely shareable content that can help those in your niche, that’s relatable, it’s Retweeted like wild fire! (I love that retweet notification it’s almost like a high.. you’ve been warned!🤣) content and kindness go a long way. Be kind to your twitter blogging community and it will be kind to you.


As I stated before my views increased dramatically due to using twitter and that has to do with the amount of promoting I did. Twitter is lightening fast but the reach isn’t that great if you don’t promote you won’t get views. I noticed on the days that I wasn’t very active on Twitter I didn’t get many views. When I wasn’t spending time in follow trains I wasn’t growing. I have nearly 4 times the traffic. Before I was using twitter I was simply using Facebook and Instagram to promote my work. I was getting a few views but nothing like the added punch on twitter.

3. Growth on other social media platforms due to follow trains

When I started twitter my Instagram was at 1289 maybe less🤭 but the blog follow trains allow you to leave your social media link in the comments on different days (please be sure to adhere to the days and read the rules of the follow train you’re participating in.. nothing more awkward than leaving your latest post on twitter Link day 😅 guilty🤷🏾‍♀️ only once though😂) I also used it to grow my Pinterest. I just can’t say enough good things. In order for your blog to be read you inevitably have to spend time growing your social media platforms.. twitter kills 50 birds with one stone! Growth! GROWTH! GROWTH

4. You can share multiple links!

I love twitter because I can create a post and slide a link in there🙌🏾 twitter is like Facebook because they both have the ability to add multiple clickable links.. clickable links make your content easier to consume. You can put more than one link at a time in a post! So theoretically you could post two blog post with some picture and have at least one post read.. that’s one new reader, that’s new traffic. I tend to use eye catching pictures and a link and I’ve noticed that gets the best retweet action. Twitter is just magical.If you have a blog I urge you to get a twitter account just for you blog and really get involved in the twitter blogging community. It’s a wonderful place and the benefits are not only great for you as a new blogger but you really spread the content of new bloggers and help them as well. Twitter is just amazing I’m so glad I took the time to really learn the platform. It’s basically the same hashtag principle of Instagram but it’s lightening fast and can put you in touch with anyone at a moments notice. I landed several brand deals from building business relationships via twitter. That’s why twitter is starting to become my favorite platform. I love the speed, clickability and community. Every blogger


Bonus tip: if you use #twitter in a tweet, the tweet gets 25% more viewer impressions! Try it!


  1. This is a great post with some great tips. I completely agree with everything that you’ve said here. I absolutely could not get to grips with Twitter at all when I first started my blog a year ago and pretty much gave up on blogging altogether. I’ve just started it up again and decided to actually use Twitter this time and the difference has been amazing. My blog traffic has increased so much already in the past week alone and interacting with like-minded people and other mums has been an added bonus too!

    Tanaiya ♥ threeby23.com

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes! Same here I had a Twitter for years and never understood! Thank you for taking the time to comment on my post!


  2. Super great tips! I was even surprised to see a couple of my tweets in there and I appreciate the love! But these are all reasons I love twitter! I’m always a little shy when it comes to promoting but that’s a habit I’m going to have to get over if I want to continue to grow. So I need to start more engaging with more follow trains, etc. I also noticed adding RT accounts @ names and hashtags will definitely get your content shared and more views. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yesss I’m going to be doing post about the hashtags I’m using to get likes and RT’s 😍 I love a good RT account.


  3. Great tips that I absolutely agree with you on. The engagement levels on Twitter is head and shoulders above other social media platforms for bloggers and influencers. The way it’s design lends itself opportunities for people to be more open in general. Sure Twitter has its flaws (e.g. trolls, follow/unfollow etc.) but for me from a blogging perspective the positives outweigh the negatives.

    Johnny | Johnny’s Traventures

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Just recently joined twitter and you are so right my views have gone up and the blogging community are so so lovely and supportive .

    I still don’t really understand twitter but thanks to your post I have a better understanding. 😁


  5. I have been blogging on and off for three years now, and have only started taking it properly seriously and using twitter in the last few months. This is really useful, I use twitter follow trains a lot, but still struggle to grow my traffic. I will definitely be referring back to this in the next few weeks to tweak what I’m doing to try and help! Thank you.xx



  6. Ok I never thought to include twitter hashtag. Also mom bloggers are a very popular follow train. I see it all the time and my “child” is 19! LOL Thanks for the tips!


    • I’m so happy you read this and that it helped you!! Comments like this are the reason I wake up to blog at 0400🤣🤣❤️🙌🏾 thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope you get a lot of twitter action!!


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